What is Catholic 101?
Catholic 101 is our parishes newest way to deep dive into the rich teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church. Catholic 101 is a series of lectures and small group discussions on various topics of the Faith centered around a simple supper and small group community. Whether you are seeking to become Catholic or whether you're a Cradle-Catholic that would just like to better articulate your own beliefs to those you love, Catholic 101 has something to offer you! Please fill out the registration form below to find out more details about this amazing new opportunity to enrich your faith.
Who Is This Ministry For?
Catholic 101 is for any adult (18+):
- Unbaptized Adults - seeking to become baptized (RCIA - Catechumens)
- Christians who are baptized - seeking to become Catholic or to recieve the sacraments (RCIA - Candidates)
- Adult Catholics who did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation - seeking this sacrament (Adult Confirmation Prep)
- ANYONE who desires to simply know more about what we believe
Please Note: Catholic 101 is a pre-requisite for both RCIA & Adult Confirmation.
How Do I Sign Up?
Click the Link Below to receive more information and stay up-to-date with everything regarding Catholic 101!