
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
The school serves our Church, its families, and the community by nurturing Gospel values, academic excellence, and a lifetime of prayer and service. The School is located on Baringer Rd. and has an enrollment of 550 full-time students.
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Make a regular commitment to Eucharist Adoration
Religion Education Catechists
"Catechists are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive in themselves and are able to revive it in others"
- Pope Francis
The MBS Catechists are responsible for planning and leading weekly catechetical sessions of school-aged children using the training, resources, and weekly lesson plans provided. The time commitment is for one full school year (September to May) on Sundays.
OCIA is a process of conversion-focused primarily on those belonging to a non-Catholic faith but seeking information on becoming a Catholic. The process begins in the Fall and concludes at Easter.
- Early Learning Center
- Vacation Bible School
- Office of Child Protection (Child Protection Certification Required)
Get Involved
To minister to this youthful and growing population, over 30 ministries and organizations have been established, providing spiritual, social and material benefits for the parishioners and the community.