
Auction Committee
The auction is held at a remote location in the form of a Gala in February. The event features an online silent auction that begins two weeks prior to the night.
The Committee members are responsible for gathering sponsorships and donations for our annual Gala. The proceeds from the Auction go towards the Capital Campaign.
Parish Fair Committee
The parish fair is held annually in the Fall. The Fair Committee meets once the fair has concluded to begin planning for the next fair. Committee members consist of Sponsorships, Construction, Fair Games, Food & Drink, etc. The proceeds from the Parish Fair supports both the Church and the School.
Finance Council
The Finance Council provides advice and guidance to the MBS Pastor in the administer of the parish assets. The Council is advisory to the Pastor. Standing committee members assist in the development of the annual budget and stewardship. The Council meets quarterly.
Parish Advisory Council
The Parish Advisory Council consists of MBS parishioners and serves as an advisory body to the Pastor and Parish Staff.
Events Committee
The events members gather to plan Parish events on an annual basis. They help in the development and implementation of the Parish Picnic, Ministry Appreciation, Thanksgiving Meal, and any other events that may arise during the year.
Tithing Tabulators
This group of parishioners meet every Sunday morning to gather and count the tithings and collections from each Mass. They prepare deposit slips according to their counts and share with the Parish Bookkeeper.
Get Involved
To minister to this youthful and growing population, over 30 ministries and organizations have been established, providing spiritual, social and material benefits for the parishioners and the community.